A comprehensive and 360-degree approach to church security planning and implementation will help you get the most out of the resources you have available to devote to security.
8 Tips to Secure Your Church Daycare
There are many cost-effective ways to secure your church daycare or preschool facility. In this post, we share: 8 Best Practices for Church Daycare Security using a combination of policies, procedures and technology to protect the children and employees in your care. Scroll to read all tips, watch a 5-minute video webinar on church daycare […]
Panic Buttons: The What and How for Security Planning
A “Panic Button” is a strategically-located, hardwired button or wireless key fob used to silently and immediately notify police in emergency situations.
Protect Teachers With Video Security
I recently blogged about the use of video surveillance to protect children from abductions at daycare centers. This post is about the use of video surveillance to protect teachers in the classroom. It is well document that video surveillance is increasingly being used in school systems. Here’s just one example of actions being taken in […]
Video Surveillance: Protection for Children in Daycare
A strategically-placed IP security camera at the entrance and exit of a daycare facility provides time-stamped video record of all children entering and leaving the premises.