Video security cameras can be a key tool in helping to identify causes of workplace injuries, help to improve operational processes to reduce potential injuries, and to identify areas where safety training needs to be enhanced.
Surveillance System Keys for the Facilities Manager
Buildings, a commercial property trade publication for smart facilities management, recently published, The Keys to Implementing an Effective Surveillance System, featuring insights and commentary by Vulcan Security Systems CEO Jason Maddox.
3 Ways Video Security Can Save Money For Your Business
In some instances, the system will pay for itself quickly through a single instance of loss prevention. In other situations, the offsetting savings will accrue over several months through more efficient operations or reduction in questionable claims.
Your Guide to Church Security Planning
A comprehensive and 360-degree approach to church security planning and implementation will help you get the most out of the resources you have available to devote to security.
Video Security for Distribution Center Inventory Control: Case Study
In this case study, time-stamped video footage from our security cameras quickly solved a missing order problem and paid for the cost of the system.